Driving Manners Can Make Your Commute Easier and Safer

서울운전연수 Driving can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Being a courteous driver can make your commute easier and safer for everyone on the road.


Driving etiquette is a set of unspoken rules that drivers follow. While these rules may not always be in the law, they are essential to making our roads safer for everyone.

Keep Your Hands to Yourself

Driving with one hand can be dangerous, especially if you are eating, smoking, 서울운전연수 or adjusting the radio. It can also make it difficult to see what is happening on the road, so it is important to always keep your hands to yourself.

For example, when driving with one hand, it can take you a long time to bring your hand back on the wheel if you suddenly see a deer dart in front of you. You could crash into it before you can react.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that drivers lower their hands a bit to the 9 and 3 o’clock position. This is because it might keep your hands out of the way if your air bag deploys. Moreover, it may reduce the chance of your hands being hit by other objects while you’re making a turn. This technique is sometimes referred to as the “10 and 2” method of steering. It’s still important to learn the proper way to place your hands on the steering wheel so that you can drive safely.

Don’t Leave Trash in Your Car

While you may be a stickler for keeping your car tidy, there are some things you should never leave behind. Leaving trash in your car while you’re driving can impede your visibility or cause a glare that could distract you from the road ahead. Even a small gum wrapper, if left on the seat or dashboard, can be enough to wreak havoc on your eyesight.

One of the best ways to keep your car clean is by getting a trash 서울운전연수 can for the car. This will help you stay organized and reduce the amount of trash you have to pick up on a regular basis. A good trash can also help keep the vehicle free of germs and bacteria that could contaminate other passengers.

Don’t Turn Without Warning

Before you make a turn, take the time to look around your vehicle to see what’s in your blind spot and on your right side. This will not only prevent a close call, but it will also increase your chances of a safe outcome.

Getting hit from behind is not something you want to encounter while on the road, especially in a rush to get to your destination. This is especially true for left turns, as you must be prepared to give way to the vehicles on your right.

Be sure to check out the speed limit signs and pay attention to the lane markers. They may not be obvious to you at first glance, but they are the most important part of the equation and must be followed to the letter.

Getting into the wrong lane is the biggest mistake most drivers make. Taking the time to make a proper lane change is not only safer for all involved, but it will save you from a headache down the road. Be sure to use the lane signal to move into the correct lane, and then pay close attention to the traffic conditions. This is the best way to avoid a crash.

Don’t Merge into Traffic

Merging into traffic is one of the most stressful parts of driving. If you don’t merge properly, you can end up in a collision with another vehicle.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps that you can take to make sure that your merge is safe. First, check your mirrors and blind spots before making a change in lanes. Then, turn the steering wheel gradually and as needed to get into your new lane. You should also keep an eye on other vehicles in the new lane to ensure that they aren’t threatening your safety.

If there is a sign that says “lane closed ahead,” stay in your current lane until it’s time to merge into the lane that will remain open. This is safer than trying to merge into traffic at highway speeds and without any backups.

Drivers who do not follow these basic guidelines can end up in a serious accident, which can lead to severe injury and property damage. In fact, merging accidents account for 4% of all traffic crashes.

Many people who merge into traffic do so with a sense of entitlement. They think they have the right to push ahead of the line of traffic that’s slowing down to merge into the lane, even when there isn’t room for them. This can cause drivers to unsafely accelerate into the lane when they aren’t sure they have enough space, causing them to crash and injure other drivers.

You can help avoid these situations by being courteous to other drivers. You should try to wait for a gap in the line of slowed traffic and then signal for the merge to begin, letting others know that you are about to change lanes.

Some states have a rule that requires all drivers to allow other drivers into their lane when they’re about to change lanes. This is called the “right of way” law and it is designed to prevent traffic collisions.

The most important part of the law is that it requires drivers to cooperate with each other. This means that if someone needs to move into your lane, you must let them into your lane, no matter how close they are to the front of the line of other drivers waiting to merge.