Teeth Sensitivity Treatment

Tooth sensitivity is a sudden, sharp pain that comes with eating hot or cold food or drinks. It may affect one tooth or several teeth. It can also occur with acidic foods and drinks or when brushing your teeth.

A dentist will recommend treatment options depending on the cause of your sensitivity pain. Some of these treatments include: 韓国歯科矯正 Desensitizing toothpaste.

Salt Water Rinse

Using salt water to rinse your mouth on a regular basis may help alleviate tooth sensitivity symptoms. It is thought to reduce inflammation and soothe the tissue that protects your teeth, gums, and throat – a trick probably taught by grandma!

It may seem counterintuitive to use a saltwater rinse for sensitive teeth, but the benefits are numerous. A salt water rinse is a natural antiseptic that kills bacteria, fights bad breath, and even helps reduce gum disease. It may also help with colds, sore throats, and canker sores.

If you’re suffering from teeth sensitivity, schedule an appointment with your dentist to find the cause of the pain and treat it before it gets worse. Your dentist will perform a dental exam and touch your teeth to check for problems like recessed gums, a cracked tooth or loose fillings. They may also prescribe special “de-sensitizing” toothpaste or fluoride gel and rinse to help relieve sensitivity.


A good mouthwash can remove harmful bacteria and reduce bacterial growth that contributes to tooth decay, gum disease and sensitivity. A solution that contains sage, peppermint oil or vanilla extract can help relieve pain and soothe gum irritation.

Mouthwashes containing desensitizing additives like potassium nitrate and stannous fluoride can also be effective. There are several available over the counter and some dentists offer prescription-grade solutions in-office.

Often, sensitivity is the first sign of problems such as tooth decay or damaged enamel that needs to be addressed. A dentist can diagnose underlying causes and prescribe treatment to prevent further damage and sensitivity. A healthy diet and regular oral care are essential tools to preventing sensitive teeth. Avoid acidic or sugary foods and drinks, as these can contribute to enamel erosion. If you grind and clench your teeth, consider wearing a mouth guard to stop this habit. This will also protect against cracked or broken teeth. Make sure to brush and floss regularly and schedule regular dental appointments.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening can help with teeth sensitivity. However, this type of treatment can cause discomfort if used too much or for a long period of time. You can protect yourself against this if you follow the directions on the product and avoid brushing too hard after whitening.

Toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth may include ingredients that soothe nerves and create a barrier to stop dentine from sensing stimuli. These toothpastes contain ingredients such as potassium nitrate and fluoride, which work to strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity over time.

Other treatments for sensitivity include using a straw to allow hot and cold beverages to pass through the center of your mouth instead of touching the sensitive areas. If your tooth sensitivity has been caused by a cavity, getting it filled will usually eliminate or reduce the pain. If the sensitivity continues, your dental professional may suggest a gum graft to cover the exposed roots and reduce the sensitivity.


The dental team will also check for underlying causes of tooth sensitivity, which could include:

Acidic foods and drinks (including fizzy sodas) can wear away at enamel. If you have frequent sensitivity, we might recommend limiting them. Tooth grinding, a common problem that can cause enamel wear, may be treated with a mouth guard to prevent the teeth from hitting together.

Your dentist might apply fluoride gels, rinses or varnishes to sensitive areas to strengthen the enamel and reduce pain. They can be painted onto the teeth in their office, or prescribed for home use in custom trays.

If sensitivity persists, they might recommend a root canal, which will remove the soft core of the tooth to eliminate the sensitivity. This treatment can be a last resort when other treatments have failed.